Next Step

Into infinity

Ahmad Andra
2 min readJan 4, 2024

They say a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. The thing is, I don’t think I’m ready to take that first step, but what I do know is that I know what to prepare and what I should bring for said journey. Perhaps right now I’m still at that gathering and prepping stage, but I suppose that’s okay, I’m not really in a rush.

I look inside my bag and see the stuffs I want to bring with me, then I ask myself “is this enough?”, because if you fail to prepare, then you will prepare to fail. But if that’s the case, how am I going to be able to enjoy the journey if all I could think about is how things could go sideways? What if some things are just meant to be like that, and by “that” I mean some things are just — pardon my french — shit. It’s easy to blame ourselves for what happened, it’s even easier to blame others for it, but it’s hard to accept the fact that things just happen, with or without reasons that are beyond our control. So, maybe “not enough” is enough because we can’t really have it all, and we can’t always have it our ways. Again, I suppose that’s okay.

This journey that I’m going to be taking, I don’t even know where it would lead me, and I don’t even know where to start, or when I would be ready to take the first step. What I do know, though, is that I know I have it in me to do whatever it takes. So, one step at a time, and onward we go.

Even if it’s not meant to be
In another life, maybe
Things could’ve gone differently
For you and me



Ahmad Andra

take my writing with as much salt it would take you to have a hypertension